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Five Questions to Ask Before Choosing a School

Choosing a K-8 school is a long-term commitment to stability for your family. In an age with increasing school choice, it is important that families find the “right fit” school for their family. Below are some questions you may want to consider as you pursue your school search. Our Admissions Director is happy to connect with you as you process our website and learn more about our community.

1. Does the school's mission align with your family’s educational values?

Schools have a way of looking similar, but Presentation’s mission and graduate outcomes speak specifically to how, what, and why we do things. Our program is academically rigorous with an integrated curriculum that focuses on collaboration, creativity and reaching a student's individual potential. Our small class sizes allow students to dig deep, solve problems, create questions and showcase learning. Our Catholic values bring our faith-filled community together in forms of service to others and our own school.

2. What is the likelihood that your child will be known, loved, and appropriately challenged within this environment?

At The Presentation School, your child is well-known by every teacher, student, faculty, and family. The relationships that we are able to build within our school community are a critical component of our outstanding education. Each child is an individual learner, with interests, talents, challenges and experiences that make their educational story unique. Knowing each student and fostering a relationship is the foundation for a strong and challenging academic school life.

3. Can I see this school as a part of my family’s life for the future?

Sending your child to Presentation School is a large commitment. Families join our community for 9 years and more. Being comfortable and finding the fit that works for your child and your family is key. Parents are partners in the education process of each student. Communication, involvement and a sense of pride in the school are key elements to making the partnership work well. To that end, we offer consistent opportunity for parent education and collaboration, and we welcome parent involvement in a variety of volunteer capacities. We take pride in and value the fact that we are, truly, a family school.

4. Do you have a good sense of where the school is headed in the future? Will it continue to evolve as students' needs change?

From the board of directors down, The Presentation School is committed to excellence and confident in our current practices with the understanding that we are always willing to challenge ourselves to further the development of our teachings and programming. We are a student-centered school and as our students change, technology evolves and practices become outdated. We strive to remain ahead of the curve and in sync with the students on our campus. Our educators are learners through workshops, professional development, and visiting guests. We know that mastery of our skills will forever be a work-in-process.

5. What does your “gut” say about the decision?

At the end of the day, it is the overall comfort level and “fit” of a school that matters most. If you can imagine your child being happy and well-served in a particular environment, and if that environment feels right on an intuitive level, it is generally a very good indicator of the right choice. If your gut says “yes,” pay attention. Likewise, if you have lingering worry or concern about the basic fit between your family and the school, it is worth pursuing further in order to identify and reconcile any remaining questions.

Want to learn more?

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The Admissions Office will reply to you directly.


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